My Experiences

The My Experiences screen allows you to access information about a user's experience, including checking the status of a user's experience and downloading their related documents in a PDF format. 

To access this module, log in to the Control Panel from the Simon home page located at https://<yoursubdomain> Navigate to the Experience Dashboard menu and click to expand. Finally, select “My Experiences”.

Some information on this page can be exported into a .csv report using System Reports. For more information, please refer to the System Reports guide.

Employee Filter

When the My Experiences page is initially opened, no experiences will be displayed. To display experiences, you will need to filter to tell the system which experiences you would like to view.

Available filters on this screen are:

Filter Name
Tips and information
Show All (Employee Filter) When ticked, this filter includes all experiences in the search results, aside from those assigned to users who have been terminated, and experiences that have been archived or saved as a draft. If you want to include experiences for terminated users, or experiences that have been archived and/or saved as a draft, please follow the relevant instructions for those filters.
Include Terminated (Employee Filter) When ticked, this filter includes experiences that are assigned to users who are in a Terminated status in the search results.

If an experience is not showing in the search results, check to make sure the user has not been terminated. To check the status of a user, navigate to Employee Administration > Manage Employees.


For more information on terminated users, please refer to the Manage Employees guide.
Type employee name (Employee Filter)

Use this filter if you are wanting to search for a specific user's experience(s).


To search, start typing the user's name in the “Type employee name” field, and select the user from the list.

If the user is terminated, you will need to ensure the “Include Terminated” box is ticked.


Similarly, if you are wanting to view Archived and/or Drafted experiences, you will need to make sure the relevant filter box is ticked.
Filter by experience category

Select the experience categories you would like included in the filter (if these have been configured in your organisation). Multiple categories can be selected if desired. When multiple categories are selected, experiences that match any of the selected categories will be displayed.

For more information about Experience Categories, please refer to the Experience Categories guide.
Include Archived (Experience Filter) When ticked, this filter includes experiences that have been archived in the search results.
For more information about archiving and un-archiving experiences, please continue reading below.
Include Draft (Experience Filter) When ticked, this filter includes experiences that have been saved as a Draft in the search results.
For more information about draft experiences, please continue reading below.

Once you have selected your filter configuration, click the “Search” button to see the results. If you need to search again with new filters, click the “Clear Search” button and re-configure your search parameters.

Important note 1 -  Regardless of which filter you select, you will only be presented with users who are members of branches that you have access to. If you are looking for a specific user but are unable to access them on this screen, consider checking that you have access to their branch. For more information about branches, please refer to the Introduction and Permissions guide.

Important note 2 -  If you have accessed the My Experiences table by clicking the Experience Count column in Manage Employees, the page will automatically be filtered to that user's experiences only. To view other users' experiences, click the "Clear Filter" button to reset filters. For more information about the Experience Count column, please refer to the Manage Employees guide.

Experience Table

The experience table shows every experience that has been delivered for every user based on the filters that were configured in the search. The experience information, including documents, remain attached to each experience regardless of its status, and regardless of how many subsequent experiences were delivered to the user.

The various columns of the table are explained in more detail below:

1. Select column:

This column allows for multi-select when archiving, un-archiving and cancelling multiple experiences at once. For more information about archiving, un-archiving and manually cancelling experiences, please continue reading below. Important note: If you cancel multiple experiences at once, you will not be able to add a custom message to display to users. If you need to add a custom message, you will need to cancel each experience separately.
If your organisation has at least one Approval Chain configured and active, you may also see a red or orange dot in this column.

A red dot denotes that the chain that was selected for the experience is broken due to a member of the chain no longer being an active administrator. In this case, the chain will need to be fixed before the approval process can be completed:

 An orange dot denotes that the chain that was selected was broken but has now been fixed. The experience now needs to be re-sent for approval. For more information about re-sending experiences for approval, please continue reading the Actions section below:

2. Exp ID column:

This is the ID that has been system generated for the experience. Clicking on this ID will open the “View Experience” popup. This popup will show details of the elements that were included in the experience, as well as any selected notifications.

Tip – If the Documents element was selected in the experience, the Verification Answers that were input at time of delivery will show in this section. For more information about Verification Answers and Questions, please refer to the Custom Settings – Verification Questions guide.

3. Delivery Status column:

This column shows the delivery status of the experience. The different status types are:

Delivery Status
Tips and information
Approved The experience has been delivered to the user. If your organisation is utilising Approval Chains, the Delivery Status will change to “Approved” once it has been approved by the final approver in the selected chain.
Cancelled The experience has been cancelled and is no longer available to the user. The user will not be able to complete the experience.

An experience will move into a Cancelled status if a new experience has been delivered to a user before this experience has been completed.
Administrators can also manually cancel experiences. For more information on manually cancelling experiences, please continue reading below.


The experience has been completed by the user.

Once an experience has been completed, it cannot be cancelled or edited, even if a new experience is delivered to the user.

Declined (Approval Chains only) The experience has been declined by a member of the selected Approval Chain. It has not yet been delivered to the user.

This is only applicable to organisations where at least one Approval Chain has been configured and is active.


For more information about Editing a Declined experience, please continue reading below.


For more information about Approval Chains, please refer to the Approval Chains guide.
Draft The experience has been saved as a Draft. It has not yet been delivered to the user.
For more information on completing a Drafted experience, please continue reading below.
In Review (Approval Chains only) The experience is currently moving through an Approval Chain process and has not yet been declined by a member or approved by the final approver in the chain. The user has not yet been notified of their experience.

This is only applicable to organisations with at least one Approval Chain configured and active.


For more information about Approval Chains, please refer to the Approval Chains guide.
Scheduled The experience was included in a bulk delivery, and is in the delivery queue waiting to be delivered to the user. After the experience has been delivered, the delivery status will change to “Approved”. 
For more information about Bulk Delivery, please refer to the Deliver an Experience guide.

4. Name column:

Aside from showing the user that the experience is related to, the Name column is used to access the user's documents related to the experience in a PDF format.

To access the documents, click the user's name attached to the relevant experience. The Experience Documentation popup will open, which will show the available documents. If an element was not included in the experience, the documents that are normally attached to that element will show as “Not allocated”. If an element was included in the experience, but the user has not yet completed that element, the documents normally attached to that element will show as “Not yet submitted”.

To download the documents, click on each one separately. To download all available documents at once, click the Download All button. This will download all the available documents as a .zip file onto your PC.

The documents that can be downloaded are:

Document Name
Tips and information
Document Included & Document Acceptance Transmission Report  A copy of the primary Document that was delivered to the user as part of the experience and your record of the user's acceptance of their primary document and Library Documents (if applicable).
 The Transmission Report includes the date and time the documents were accepted, which documents were accepted, the Verification answers input by the user and the Verification Code input by the user.
This document acts as your record of the user's digital signature of acceptance.
If the document was delivered to the user via a Document Template, the document and the Transmission Report will appear as one merged file.
 If the document was delivered to the user via a manual PDF upload, they will appear as separate files.
For more information about attaching a primary Document to an experience, please refer to the 
Deliver An Experience guide.
Selected Library Documents

A copy of all Library Documents that were delivered to the user as part of the experience (if applicable).

For more information about Library Documents, please refer to the Library Documents guide.
Checklist Transmission Report

Your record of the user's acceptance of the checklist items they were allocated as part of the experience.


The Transmission Report includes the date and time of acceptance, the IP address of the user, and the checklist items that were accepted.

The Checklist ID is also included in this report to assist with ascertaining which version of a checklist item was accepted by the user.

Employee Forms The user's responses to the Forms that were allocated to them as part of the experience.

Form responses can also be accessed using an Export Report.


For more information on Export Reports, please refer to the Custom Settings – Export Settings guide.
Document Uploads The documents that the user has uploaded based on the Document Upload Requests that were allocated to them as part of the experience. If a Document Upload request is showing as “File Deleted”, this means the document was deleted from the employee’s files and can’t be retrieved. For more information about employee files, please refer to the Employee Files guide.
For more information on Document Upload Requests, please refer to the 
Document Upload Centre guide.

5. Experience Elements columns:

Each experience element has its own column in the table, namely Documents Accepted, Forms Completed, Checklist Completed and Content Completed. As the user moves through each element, the status of that element in the experience is updated in the table.

The icons that show the status of the element are:

Tips and information

Three dots
Not Allocated – this element was not included in the experience. For more information about allocating elements, please refer to the Deliver An Experience guide.

Red cross

Not Started – this element was included in the experience but has not yet been completed by the user.

The icon will remain incomplete until the user has completed the element.

Green tick

Completed – this element was included in the experience and has been completed by the user.

The icon will only change to the green tick once the user has completed the element.

Green unlocked padlock (Forms element only)

The user has saved their form responses as a draft, but has not yet uploaded documents requested of them in their experience.

Although the Forms PDF will be available when this icon is displayed, the user can still edit their forms. The Forms PDF should not be downloaded until the icon changes to the green tick to denote that Forms have been completed.

Hourglass (Approval Chains only)
In Review – this element was included in the experience and is currently awaiting review from all members of the selected Approval Chain.

This icon is only relevant for organisations with at least one Approval Chain configured and active.


For more information about Approval Chains, please refer to the Approval Chains guide.

6. Completion Status column:

This column shows the completion status of the overall experience. The different status types are:

Completion Status
Tips and information
Cancelled The experience has been cancelled and is no longer available to the user. The user will not be able to complete the experience. An experience will move into a Cancelled status if a new experience has been delivered to a user before this experience has been completed.
 Administrators can also manually cancel experiences. For more information on manually cancelling experiences, please continue reading below.

The experience has been completed by the user.

Once an experience has been completed, it cannot be cancelled or edited, even if a new experience is delivered to the user.

Declined (Approval Chains only)

The experience has been declined by a member of the selected Approval Chain. It has not yet been delivered to the user.

This is only applicable to organisations with at least one Approval Chain configured and active.


For more information about Editing a Declined experience, please continue reading below.


For more information about Approval Chains, please refer to the Approval Chains guide.
In Progress

The user has completed at least one element of the experience, but still has at least one other element outstanding.

The status will not change to Completed until all elements assigned to the user are completed. Use the icons in the Experience Elements section of the table to see which elements have not yet been completed. For more information about Experience Elements, please see above.

Not Started The user has not yet completed any elements included in their experience.

Experiences that are saved as a Draft or are in In Review or Scheduled delivery status will always show as Not Started until the user has been delivered their experience and has completed at least one element.


The Action column contains various available experience Actions depending on the status and configuration of the experience.

The options in the Actions menu are explained below.

1. Edit:

The Edit action allows you to edit an experience. Experiences that are in a Completed or Cancelled Completion Status cannot be edited. If you need to edit an experience that is in either of these status’, you will need to deliver a new experience to the user.

If an experience is in the Not Started Completion Status, all elements may be edited and re-delivered to the user unless the experience is in a Scheduled delivery status due to a bulk delivery. If you need to edit an experience that is in a Scheduled delivery status, you will need to cancel the experience and re-send it. For more information about cancelling an experience, please continue reading below..

If an experience is in the In Progress Completion Status, only elements that have not yet been completed may be edited and re-delivered to the user. If you need to edit an element that has already been completed, you will need to deliver a new experience to the user.

If an experience is in the Declined Completion Status, all elements may be edited and re-sent for Approval when your organisation has at least one Approval Chain configured and active. For more information about re-delivering a Declined experience vs delivering a new experience for approval, please refer to Approval Info below.

To Edit an experience, select “Edit” from the Actions menu. You will be taken to a screen that looks identical to the Deliver An Experience screen. If any elements cannot be edited (e.g. because the user has already completed them), you will only be able to view them. For elements the user has not yet completed, make the required change, and press the “Send” button. Be sure to check that any relevant Notifications have been selected before pressing Send.

If you are ready to send an experience that is currently in the Draft Delivery Status, use the Edit function to complete the draft. Once you are happy with the configuration, press the Send button. The experience will then be delivered to the user (or sent to the first approver in a chain if Approval Chains are in use), and the experience will no longer be in a Draft status.

Note – As soon as you press “Send” on an edited experience, the user will see the updated version, so it is important to be sure that you are comfortable with this before sending.

2. Cancel:

The Cancel option will cancel the experience. The user will no longer be able to access the experience, and you will not be able to make any edits to it. Only experiences that are in a Scheduled or Approved delivery status can be cancelled. If an experience that is in a Scheduled delivery status is cancelled, it will not be delivered to the user. Cancelling the experience in the Actions menu also gives the option to add a custom message to be displayed to the user. Type the message you would like to display to the user and click save. If you don’t want to display a custom message, you can leave the field blank.

3. Resend Welcome SMS:

The Resend Welcome SMS action will re-send the Welcome SMS to the user. The SMS will be sent to the mobile number that has been saved on the user's profile. To change the mobile number, navigate to Employee Administration > Manage Employees.

Note – If you select this action item, the SMS will be delivered regardless of whether the Welcome SMS was set to “Yes” in the notifications section of the experience.

4. Email Notifications:

The Email Notifications action allows you to see the send status for all notifications related to the relevant experience. Clicking the action will take you to the Email Logs screen, which will be automatically filtered to notifications for that experience only. For more information about the Email Logs, please refer to the Email Logs guide.

5. Archive/Unarchive:

When an experience is Archived, it will no longer be visible in your search results unless the “Include Archived” search filter is ticked.

To archive an experience, select “Archive” from the Actions menu next to the relevant experience. To un-archive an experience, select “Unarchive” from the Actions menu next to the relevant experience. When un-archiving, remember to ensure that the “Include Archived” filter has been ticked.

To archive multiple experiences, tick the box in the “Select” column next to the experiences you are wanting to archive. Navigate to the “Actions” menu above the table and select “Archive”. Click the Submit button next to the menu. All selected experiences will then be archived.

To un-archive multiple experiences, tick the box in the “Select” column next to the experiences you are wanting to un-archive. Navigate to the “Actions” menu above the table and select “Un-Archive”. Click the Submit button next to the menu. All selected experiences will then be un-archived.

To check who has archived an experience, click on the Experience ID and scroll to the bottom of the View Experience popup. The archiver’s name and date of archive will be displayed at the bottom.

6. Approval Info (Approval Chains only):

The Approval Info button will only be visible if your organisation is using Approval Chains and the relevant experience went through the approval process.

To access Approval Info, select Approval Info in the Actions menu next to the relevant experience. The Approval Info popup gives you a history of approvals and declines for the specific experience you are viewing. The popup will tell you if the experience has been approved or declined, responses of each of the members of the relevant Approval Chain, the date that it was approved, declined or cancelled, and any feedback that was included in Decline comments.

If a member of an Approval Chain has declined an experience, all subsequent approvers in the chain will show as "Cancelled", as the approval process stops when a member declines the experience.

If an experience has been sent for approval more than once, each round will be separated by a line.

Editing or re-delivering declined experiences (Approval Chains only)

When an experience is declined by an approver in an Approval Chain, the requestor will need to resubmit the approval again before it will be delivered to the user. In this case, there are two options available:

1. Edit the declined experience – To do this, select Edit from the Actions menu next to the declined experience. Make any necessary changes, and press “Send for Approval”. The edited experience will then be delivered to the first approver in the selected Approval Chain for review. The benefit of this option is that the whole approval history will be available in the Approval Info option in Actions.

2. Deliver a brand-new experience – To do this, navigate to Employee Administration > Deliver An Experience and deliver the experience as you normally would. The benefit of this option is that both the declined experience and the new experience will show as separate lines in the Experience table, however the history of approval & decline comments will be on the separate experiences rather than all together.

Which option you choose to use depends on your organisation’s preference.

For more information about Approval Chains, please refer to the Approval Chains guide.