Export Settings

This module relates to the configuration of Export Reports. Export Reports allow you to export data as an Excel .csv file. These exports can then be used to import data into a third-party system (e.g. a HRIS or Payroll system). For information on running an Export Report, please refer to the Reports guide.

The FTP Upload Feature (Exports Plus) allows reports to be configured to automatically export to a location of your choosing (fees apply). For more information, please refer to the FTP Upload Feature (Exports Plus) guide.

To access this module, log in to the Control Panel from the Simon home page located at https://<yoursubdomain>.exphub.com.au/manager. Navigate to the Global Site Configuration menu and click to expand. Click Custom settings, and finally Export Settings.

Adding a new Export Report

To add a new Export Layout, navigate to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Export Settings > Add New Export Layout.

Enter the title of the export in the Export Layout Title field. This is the name you will see when you are selecting which export you would like to run. If you are configuring multiple exports, make sure the titles are clear as to which export is which (e.g. Payroll Export – New Employees).

Once the title has been filled, click the Submit button to save.

Configuring/Editing an Export Layout

To configure/edit an Export Layout, navigate to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Export Settings > Configure Export Layouts. You will then be presented with a list of the configured layouts.

Configure Export Layouts field definitions

Field Name
Tips and information
ID The system generated identification number given to the Export Layout.

This ID number is a system generated field only.

Layout The name that has been configured for the Layout.

This is the name you will see when selecting which Export Report you would like to run.


For more information about running an Export Report, please refer to the Reports guide.

Shows whether the Export Report is Active (can be run) or Inactive (cannot be run).

To change an Export Report to Active or Inactive, click the Status button.

Last Updated/Last Updated By The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the Export Report was last edited and which administrator made the edit.

The time will be displayed in your organisation's configured timezone.

Actions Options to Edit, Order Fields, Configure or Delete.

The Edit option allows you to rename the Export Report.


For more information about the Order Fields and Configure options, please continue reading below.


We recommend making an Export Report inactive rather than deleting. If an Export Report is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. 


For information about editing an Export Report, please continue reading below.

Adding fields to an Export Report

To add a field to an Export Report, navigate to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Export Settings > Configure Export Layouts. Select the Configure option in the Actions menu next to the relevant report. 

Select the Question (Form field) or Field (Custom or System field) that you would like referenced. For example, if you are wanting to include the user’s Tax File Number, you would select the question “What is your Tax File Number”. Similarly, if you were wanting to include the user’s first name, you could select the system field “First Name”. Each field is categorised by the Form that it belongs to, and it is important to take note of this to ensure you are linking the correct fields. For more information about Form Fields, please refer to the Forms guide. For more information about Custom Fields, please refer to the Custom Settings – Custom Field Settings guide.

Next, input the Alias that should be shown for the question or field. The Alias will be the Header title in the .csv file. If you are planning to import the .csv file into a third-party system (such as a HRIS or Payroll system), you will need to check whether that system has any specific requirements for these headers. For example, your HRIS system may require the Tax File Number header to be “ETFN”. In that case, you would input ETFN into the Alias field. Important – Each Alias must be unique and cannot be attached to more than one field. If you have several similar questions configured in different Form Groups, consider configuring an Export Report per Form Group.

Repeat this process for all fields that you will require in the report.

Re-Ordering Fields in an Export Report

To view the order that the fields will appear in the Export Report, navigate to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Export Settings > Configure Export Layouts and select Order Fields from the Actions menu next to the relevant report.

You will then be presented with a list of the fields that are included in the report. The order in which the fields appear is the order they will appear in the report, i.e. the first field will populate column A, the second field will populate column B, and so on.

To re-order the fields, simply drag and drop into your preferred order.

Tip – If your report has a large number of fields, consider changing the page size to 100 to ensure you are viewing all fields on one screen.

Order Fields field definitions

Field Name
Tips and information
ID The system generated identification number given to the Export Field.

This ID number is a system generated field only.

Question The Field that is being referenced to populate the export field.

This column reflects the wording of the relevant Field in Forms or the custom field.


The alias that has been configured for the export field.

For more information about the Alias, please refer to “Configuring/Editing an Export Layout” above.

Editing Fields in an Export Report

To edit fields that are included in an Export Report, navigate to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Export Settings > All Exports. You will then be presented with a list of all fields that have been configured across all Export Reports that have been configured.

All Exports field definitions

Field Name
Tips and information
ID The system generated identification number given to the Export Field.

This ID number is a system generated field only.

Export Layout The Export Report that the field is included in.

For more information about configuring an Export Report, please refer to the Configuring/Editing an Export Layout section above.


The Field that is being referenced to populate the export field.

This column reflects the wording of the relevant Field in Forms or the custom field.

Alias The alias that has been configured for the export field.
For more information about the Alias, please refer to “Configuring/Editing an Export Layout” above.
Status Shows whether the field is Active (will be included in the report) or Inactive (will not be included in the report).

To change a field to Active or Inactive, click the Status button.


Any fields that are inactive will not be included in the export report next time it is run.
Last Updated/Last Updated By The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the Export Field was last edited and which administrator made the edit.

The time will be displayed in your organisation's configured timezone.

Actions Options to Edit or Delete.

For more information about the Edit option, please continue reading below.


We recommend making an Export Report inactive rather than deleting. If an Export Report is deleted, it cannot be retrieved.

To edit a field, select “Edit” in the Actions menu next to the relevant field. You will then be presented with the option to change the Question (i.e. the Form Field or Custom Field that is being referenced) and the alias for the field. For more information on this fields, please refer to the Configuring/Editing an Export Layout section above. Click the Submit button to save your changes.

Important – It is important to make sure you are editing the correct field when making changes. We recommend checking the Export Layout column in the All Exports table to make sure the correct field has been selected.

Export Logs

This menu is only applicable for organisations where the FTP Upload Feature (Exports Plus) is switched on. For more information about this, please refer to the FTP Upload Feature (Exports Plus) guide.