Manage Employees
This step outlines the process of how to edit/manage “Registered” users within the platform.
To access this module, log in to the Control Panel from the Simon home page located at https://<yoursubdomain> Navigate to the Employee Administration menu and click to expand. Finally, select “Manage Employees”.
You are then presented with a list of current users in the system. Click on the Actions menu next to the user's name to manage their profile.
Some information on this page can be exported into a .csv file using System Reports. For more information, please refer to the System Reports guide.
Branch Column
The Branch column displays the branch the user is currently a member of. Only users who are members of a branch the logged in administrator has access to will appear in the table. If a user is not appearing for an administrator, consider checking that the administrator has access to the user's branch. For more information about branches, please refer to the Introduction and Permissions guide.
Experience Count Column
The Experience Count column shows a count of the total number of experiences that have been delivered to the relevant user. Clicking on the number will open the user's experiences in the My Experiences table. For more information about My Experiences, please refer to the My Experiences guide.
Status Column
When the Status column shows “Active”, this means that the user is active within the system and can currently log in to Simon. When the Status column shows “Terminated”, this means that the user has been terminated in the system and is currently unable to log in to Simon. To learn about terminating and reactivating users, continue reading below.
Last Updated/Last Updated By Columns
The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the user's profile was last edited and which administrator made the edit.
Actions Menu Definitions
Action Name |
Description |
Tips and information |
View |
View an un-editable version of the user's profile, including all custom field information that has been input for the user. This screen also allows you to view the date the user's profile was created, as well as the date and time that the user agreed to the Electronic Consent disclaimer, their most recent agreement to the Privacy Policy and the last time their password was changed. |
Changes to a user's profile cannot be made on this screen. If you need to make a change to a user's information, select the Edit option from the Actions menu instead. This screen also allows you to upload and view Employee Files and deliver manual notifications. For more information about Employee Files, please refer to the Employee Files guide. For more information about delivering manual notifications, please continue reading below. |
Edit |
This option allows you to edit the user's information. Please note – a user's username cannot be edited after it has been saved. If you need to edit a user's username, you will need to create a new profile for them. |
For information on each of the fields included on this screen, please see the table below. |
Reset Password |
This option will reset the user's password back to the mobile number that has been saved on their profile. |
The user will need to select a new password after their first login after their password has been reset. |
Delete | This option will delete the user's profile, including all attached experiences (regardless of their status), documents and notifications. Once a user has been deleted, they cannot be retrieved, and will need to be set up again from scratch. |
All user information is deleted when this option is selected, so it is important to be sure you no longer require the user's documents and experience history before deleting.
You will be asked to enter the user's surname before deleting – this is case sensitive and must be typed exactly right for the deletion to be successful. If you want to restrict the user's access to Simon but also want to keep their experience history, consider terminating the user instead. |
Edit Employee Field Definitions
Field Name |
Description |
Tips and information |
First Name | This is the first name of the user. |
This is the name that will be referenced if the {fname} parameter is used throughout the platform. |
Last Name |
This is the last name of the user. |
This is the name that will be referenced if the {lname} parameter is used throughout the platform. |
Mobile Number |
The mobile number you enter here will be set as the user's initial password (excluding the country code) and is the mobile number that any selected Welcome SMS or OTP SMS will be sent to. The country code is set by default as 61 (for Australia). You can change the country code if the user does not have an Australian mobile number. |
By default, the standard shared secret is the user's mobile phone number that was entered in this field.
Simon communicates the password as a shared secret, i.e. the password is displayed as “Your password is your mobile phone number”. Caution: Simon provides the ability to include any system or custom parameter in any communication template. This means you can include the username and actual password in the email sent to users. Simon recommends never sharing the actual password to users to ensure compliance with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guidelines on electronic reporting of tax file numbers. |
Please Select Branch | The branch the user is currently a member of. |
If you change a user's branch, the change will take effect immediately after it is saved. This means that any administrators (including the administrator making the change) will immediately lose access to the user if they do not have access to their new branch. For more information about branches, please refer to the Introduction and Permissions guide. |
Username |
This is the username that the user will enter to gain access to the system. Each organisation will determine their own taxonomy for recording usernames. |
Each username must be unique within your organisation’s instance. If you attempt to enter a username that already exists in the system, you will be shown a message advising that the username already exists, and a different username will need to be input. |
Primary Email Address |
This is the primary email address of the user. This field is used by the system to email the user whenever the “Include Primary Email Address” option is ticked in a notification configuration, or when the user elects to receive an OTP via email. |
Each Primary Email Address must be unique within your organisation’s instance. If you attempt to enter an email address that already exists in the system, you will be shown a message advising that the email already exists, and a different email address will need to be input. Note: The Primary Email Address field can be renamed to suit your organisation. For more information about renaming the Primary Email Address field, please refer to the Custom Settings – System Field Configuration guide. |
Secondary Email Address |
This is an optional secondary email address that notifications can be dynamically sent to (e.g. Coach Email Address, Work Email Address). This field is used by the system to email the populated address whenever the “Include Secondary Email Address” option is ticked in a notification configuration. |
The Secondary Email Address does not need to be unique. Note: The Secondary Email Address field can be renamed to suit your organisation. For more information about renaming the Secondary Email Address field, please refer to the Custom Settings – System Field Configuration guide. |
Hiring Manager Email Address |
This is the email address of the user's manager. This field is used by the system to email the user's manager whenever the “Include Manager” option is ticked in a notification configuration. |
Providing the email address of the manager will allow you to send notifications to them throughout the user's experience. Note: The Hiring Manager Email Address field can be renamed to suit your organisation. For more information about renaming the Hiring Manager Email Address field, please refer to the Custom Settings – System Field Configuration guide. |
Terminate this Employee |
If you select “Yes” to this option, the user will be terminated, and will no longer be able to access the Simon system. Their experience history and documents will still be available to you in the My Experiences module. You will no longer be able to deliver an experience to a terminated user. To re-active a terminated user, change this field to “No”. |
As soon as a user is terminated, their access to the Simon platform will be terminated along with it. |
Record Custom Information |
Custom Fields allow you to input additional user information that you can export into a report, reference throughout the system, and keep for your own records. Details to configure custom fields can be found at Custom Settings – Custom Field Settings. |
A refresh icon ( A red asterisk ( A blue question mark ( To set up custom fields, go to Global Site Configuration > Settings > Custom Settings > Custom Field Settings in your platform. Custom Fields can be sorted by category. For more information about Custom Field Categories, please refer to the Custom Settings – Custom Field Settings guide. |
Additional Options |
If your platform has additional API functionality switched on, you may see additional options on this screen. For specific instructions for your configured API, please contact |
To enable API configuration for your organisation, please contact your Account Manager or e-mail |
Note regarding Assignment Rule custom field Label Types – Assignment Rule custom field Label Types may or may not be populated depending on whether the user has completed the form that the field is linked to and their responses. For more information about Assignment Rule custom fields, please refer to the Custom Settings – Custom Field Settings guide.
Bulk Updates
Bulk Updates allow you to update multiple user profiles at the same time rather than needing to update them separately (for example - bulk terminating). To use the Bulk Update feature, all users included in the bulk update need to have the same details being updated (e.g. if you're updating the branch users are a member of, every user in the bulk update would need to be updated to the same branch).
To use Bulk Updates:
1. Navigate to Employee Administration > Manage Employee
2. Tick all users you'd like to include in the bulk update. Tip 1: Filtering the Manage Employee screen to 100 users can help to speed up the process of selecting users. Tip 2: User Filters can be used to filter the Manage Employee screen to the users you want to include.
3. Click the blue "Bulk Update" button above the left-hand side of the table.
4. A popup window will open showing the users that have been selected, as well as a blank version of the user profile. Make the relevant updates, and then click Save. The updates will then be made to all selected user profiles. Note: Only fields that are being updated need to be completed in the popup. Any fields that don't need to be updated should be left as is.
Important Note 1: Once a bulk update has been completed, it can't be undone. Make sure you double check the names of the users included in the bulk update before saving.
Important Note 2: Custom Fields on the user profile include an option to "Set as blank". Ticking this will remove any selections/inputs that are currently in those custom fields.
Important Note 3: If you change a user's branch, the change will take effect immediately after it is saved. This means that any administrators (including the administrator making the change) will immediately lose access to the user if they do not have access to their new branch.
Delivering Manual Notifications
Manual notifications can be delivered when you need to communicate with recipients without needing the user to complete an experience.
These notifications can be delivered regarding multiple users at once, or one by one.
To deliver notifications regarding multiple users at once:
1. Navigate to Employee Administration > Manage Employee
2. Tick all users you would like to include or reference. Tip 1: Filtering the Manage Employee screen to 100 users can help to speed up the process of selecting users. Tip 2: User Filters can be used to filter the Manage Employee screen to the users you want to include.
3. Click the blue “Send Notification” button on the right-hand side of the screen.
4. Follow the “Configuring a Manual Notification” instructions below.
To deliver notifications regarding one user only:
1. Navigate to Employee Administration > Manage Employee
2. Select "View" from the Actions menu next to the relevant user
3. Select the "Notifications" tab and click the blue "Send Notification" button on the right-hand side of the screen.
4. Follow the "Configuring a Manual Notification" instructions below.
Configuring a Manual Notification
If you’d like to deliver an existing notification template, select the notification you’d like to use from the “Populate from template” list. Selecting an existing template will pre-fill relevant fields for the notification. You can edit these fields if you need to. For more information about Notification templates, please refer to the Notification Centre guide.
If you'd like to deliver a bespoke notification, follow the instructions below:
1. Enter the email address you would like the notification to be sent from. All emails delivered from Simon are sent from an email address - you only need to enter the first section of the email address in this field. Example: If the sender address you'd like to configure was, you would only enter thinksimon into this field.
2. Enter the email address(es) you'd like the notification to be sent to. Multiple email addresses can be included in this section. If you are including multiple email addresses, separate each one using a comma (,) and no spaces.
3. If you'd like to configure a "Reply to" email address, enter this in the "Reply To Email-Address" field. If the recipient of the notification selects "Reply" from the email they've received, their reply will be sent to the email address configured in this field. This is an optional field.
4. If you'd like the notification to deliver to a Distribution Group, select the group from the list. If you don't require a Distribution Group to be included, leave this blank. For more information about Distribution Groups, please refer to the Notification Centre guide.
5. If you'd like the notification to deliver to an email address (or email addresses) that have been entered into an Email Label Type custom field on the user's profile, select these fields in the Email Address field. This is multi-select. Please note that only Email Label Type custom fields will be available for selection. For more information about Custom Field Label types, please refer to the Custom Settings - Custom Field Settings guide. If you don't require the notification to be sent to an Email Label Type custom field, you can leave this section as is.
6. If you'd like the user's Hiring Manager to be included as a recipient, tick the "Include Hiring Manager in Email" box. When this box is ticked, the notification will be sent to the email address that has been saved in the "Hiring Manager Email Address" field on the user profile. Note: The Hiring Manager Email Address may appear in your organisation's instance under a different name if it has been renamed. For more information about renaming this field, please refer to the Custom Settings - System Field Configuration guide.
7. If you'd like to include the user as a recipient, tick the "Include Primary Email" box. When this box is ticked, the notification will be sent to the email address that has been saved in the "Primary Email Address" field on the user profile. Note: The Primary Email Address may appear in your organisation's instance under a different name if it has been renamed. For more information about renaming this field, please refer to the Custom Settings - System Field Configuration guide.
8. If you'd like to include the Secondary Email Address as a recipient, tick the "Include Secondary Email" box. When this box is ticked, the notification will be sent to the email address that has been saved in the "Secondary Email Address" field on the user profile. Note: The Secondary Email Address may appear in your organisation's instance under a different name if it has been renamed. For more information about renaming this field, please refer to the Custom Settings - System Field Configuration guide.
9. Enter the subject line of the notification in the Subject field. Tip 1: Avoid using words such as "Congratulations" or exclamation marks in your subject line, otherwise some email clients may categorise the notification as spam. Tip 2: Custom field parameters can be used in the subject line to personalise your message. To include a custom field parameter, simply include the parameter inside { }. For example, "Thank you for completing your experience, {fname}".
10. Format the body of the notification in the Body field. For instructions on adding and/or editing images and text in this section, please refer to the Editor Tool Instructions guide. Tip 1: We recommend keeping the formatting simple, as different email client settings may display more complicated formatting incorrectly. Tip 2: Custom Field parameters can be used in the body to personalise your message. To include a custom field parameter, simply include the parameter inside { }. For example - "{fname} has completed their forms". Available parameters can be found by clicking the "?" icon on the right-hand side of the screen. For more information on utilising parameters, please refer to the How to use parameters to customise your message guide.
11. Select the Timing Type. For a list of Timing Types, please refer to the Notification Centre guide.
12. Click Send. The notification will be queued to deliver to recipients at the specified timing type.
User Email Logs
Email Logs in this module show all notification emails that have been sent from Simon in regards to a specific user.
The logs on this screen are only emails that have been delivered in regards to the selected employee. If you need to view Email Logs for all users, you’ll need to view the Email Logs in Global Site Configuration.
For more information about Email Logs, including how to re-send and edit, please refer to the Email Logs guide.
User Filters
Filters allow you to create personalised filters to view employees based on a set of conditions. Saved filters are specific to each administrator.
To create a new filter:
1. Click on the “Filter” icon () in the top right-hand corner of the table above the search bar. 2. Click the “+ Add Filter” button. 3. Name the filter in the Filter Name field.
4. Click the “+ Add Conditions” button to configure the filter.
5. Select the field that should be referenced in the filter.
6. Select the condition that needs to be satisfied for the employee to appear in the filter. Finally, configure the condition. Available options will depend on the type of field that has been selected. For information about the options and configurations available, please refer to the Filter Options table below.
7. To add another condition to the filter, click the “+ Add Conditions” button. Note – A maximum of 4 conditions can be configured per filter. To remove a condition, click the red X next to the condition you’d like to remove.
8. Click Save.
To apply a filter:
1. Click on the “Filter” icon () in the top right-hand corner of the table above the search bar. 2. Click the blue “Apply” button. This will apply the selected filter, and only users who conform to the configuration of the filter will be displayed. 3. To reset the filter, click the red X under the Filter button.
To edit a filter:
1. Click on the “Filter” icon () in the top right-hand corner of the table above the search bar. 2. Click the blue pencil icon next to the filter. 3. Make the necessary changes. Available options will depend on the type of field that has been selected. For information about the options and configurations available, please refer to the Filter Options table below.
4. Click the “Save” button.
To delete a filter:
1. Click on the “Filter” icon () in the top right-hand corner of the table above the search bar. 2. Click the red garbage bin icon next to the relevant filter. The filter will then be removed.
Tip: Any changes you make to a filter, including editing, creating and deleting, will take effect on the filters on both the Manage Employees and Deliver an Experience screens.
Filter Options:
Condition |
Available for field types |
Configuration |
Equals to | Free Text, Locked Label |
Type the exact text that must be matched for the condition to be satisfied. Example: If the filter configuration is “Carina”, a user with “Carina” entered in the field would display, however a user with “Carina Heights” entered would not. |
Does not equal | Free Text, Locked Label |
Type the exact text that must not appear in the field for the condition to be satisfied. Example: If the filter configuration is “Carina”, a user with “Carina” entered in the field would not display, however a user with “Carina Heights” entered would. |
Contains | Free Text, Locked Label |
Type the text that must appear somewhere in the field. Example: – If the filter configuration is “Carina”, a user with “Carina” and another user with “Carina Heights” entered into the field would both display. |
Does not contain | Free Text, Locked Label |
Type the text that must not appear anywhere in the field. Example: – If the filter configuration is “Carina”, a user with “Carina” and another user with “Carina Heights” entered into the field would not display. |
Is empty | Free Text, List, Date Picker, Locked Label |
Only users who do not have data in the relevant field will display. |
Is not empty | Free Text, List, Date Picker, Locked Label |
Only users who have data in the relevant field will be displayed. |
Is before | Date Picker |
Only users who have a date selected in the relevant field that is before the configured date will be displayed. |
Is before or on | Date Picker |
Only users who have a date selected in the relevant field that is before or on the configured date will be displayed. |
Is | Date Picker, List |
Date Picker: Only users who have a date selected in the relevant field that matches the configured date will be displayed. List: Only users whose selection in the relevant field matches the configured option will be displayed. |
Is after | Date Picker |
Only users who have a date selected in the relevant field that is after the configured date will be displayed. |
Is after or on | Date Picker |
Only users who have a date selected in the relevant field that is after or on the configured date will be displayed. |
Is in the last x days | Date Picker |
Only users who have a date selected in the relevant field that falls within the configured previous number of days will be displayed. |
Is in the next x days | Date Picker |
Only users who have a date selected in the relevant field that falls within the configured next number of days will be displayed. |
Is not | List |
Only users whose selection in the relevant field is not the configured option will be displayed. |
Yes | Boolean Y/N |
Only users who have “Yes” selected in the relevant field will be displayed. |
No | Boolean Y/N |
Only users who have “No” selected in the relevant field will be displayed. |