Experience Categories

Experience Categories are used to categorise different types of experiences (e.g. Onboarding, Variation) into different categories. Experience Categories can be used as an additional filter on the My Experiences page to assist with searchability. For more information about My Experiences, please refer to the My Experiences guide.

For information about selecting an Experience Category when delivering an experience, please refer to the Deliver an Experience guide.

To access this module, log in to the Control Panel from the Simon home page located at https://.exphub.com.au/manager. Navigate to the Global Site Configuration menu and click to expand. Click Custom Settings and finally Experience Categories.

Adding a new Experience Category

To add a new Experience Category, navigate to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Experience Categories and follow the below steps:

1.Click on Add New Experience Category
2. Type the name of the category in the “Experience Category Name” field
3. Type an alias in the “Alias” field. The alias should not include spaces and must be unique
 4. Click Submit. The Category will now be available for selection when delivering an experience. 

New Experience Categories can also be added by navigating to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Experience Categories > All Experience Categories and clicking the blue “+ ADD CATEGORY” button in the top right-hand corner. 

Editing an Experience Category

To edit an Experience Category, navigate to Global Site Configuration > Custom Settings > Experience Categories > All Experience Categories. You will then be presented with a list of Experience Categories that have been configured.

All Experience Category field definitions

Field Name
Tips and information
ID The system generated identification number given to the Experience Category.

This ID number is a system generated field only.

Category Name
The name that has been configured for the Experience Category.
This is the name that will display for selection when delivering an experience. For more information about delivering an experience, please refer to the Deliver An Experience guide.

The alias assigned to the Experience Category.

For more information about the alias, please refer to the Adding a new Experience Category section above.


Shows whether the Experience Category is Active (can be selected) or Inactive (cannot be selected).

To change an Experience Category to Active or Inactive, click the Status button.

Last Updated/Last Updated By
The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the Experience Category was last edited and which administrator made the edit.

The time will be displayed in your organisation's configured timezone.

Options to Edit or Delete.

For information about editing an Experience Category, please continue reading below.

To edit the Experience Category, select Edit from the Actions menu next to the relevant category. You will then be presented with a screen identical to the Add New Experience Category screen. For more information about these fields, please refer to the Adding a New Experience Category section above.

Important Note – Any changes you make to an Experience Category will be instant after submitting.