Other Enquiries

Use this section to assist you to troubleshoot general issues that aren’t related to a specific element.

1. User is unable to access the next element in their experience

In this case, check that the user has completed the element directly before the one they are unable to access. You can check this in My Experiences. Elements must be completed in a linear fashion, i.e. the user must complete each element in the order that it was delivered to them.

To check the order that was configured, use the Proxy As Employee function. The main menu will display the elements in the order they were delivered to the user. For more information on this, please refer to the Proxy As Employee guide.

2. User cannot see one or more elements

If the user is unable to see an element that you require them to complete, check that the element was included in the experience on the My Experiences page. This page will show which elements were included and whether or not they have been completed. For more information, please refer to the My Experiences guide.

If you require the user to complete an element that was not included in the experience that was delivered to them, you will need to either edit the existing experience to include the element or deliver a new experience to the user to complete which includes the element. For more information, please refer to the My Experiences and Deliver An Experience guides.

3. Notifications or Document Uploads relating to the experience have not been delivered

If particular notifications have not been delivered or document uploads are not appearing, check that these were included in the experience. You can do this by clicking on the Experience ID in My Experiences.

Document Uploads that were requested will appear underneath the “Forms included as part of this experience” heading, and email notifications that were selected will appear under the “Notifications” heading in the popup window that opens.

If the Document Upload and/or notification was not included, you will need to either edit the experience and include the relevant item or deliver a new experience to the user that includes the relevant items. For more information, please refer to the My Experiences and Deliver An Experience guides.

If the Notification was included but has not been received, check the Email Logs to confirm if the notification has been triggered. If the notification has been triggered and delivered, check with your Simon Primary Contact whether an email bounceback notification has been delivered.

If the notification has not been triggered, check that the user has completed the relevant element that triggers the notification to be sent.

For more information, please refer to the Email Logs and Notification Centre guides.

Handy References

1. Proxy As Employee guide

2. My Experiences guide

3. Deliver An Experience guide

4. Notification Centre guide

5. Document Upload Centre guide

6. Email Logs guide