Use this module to create and edit forms that the user will need to complete when they are allocated the Forms element in an experience.
To access this module, log in to the Control Panel from the Simon home page located at https://<yoursubdomain> Navigate to the Module Manager menu and click to expand. Finally, select “Forms”.
Forms are made up of three components – Forms, Fieldsets and Fields. Definitions of these components are:
Component |
Description |
Tips and information |
Field |
The individual questions that a user needs to answer. |
Continue reading below to learn about creating and editing Fields. |
Fieldset |
A “sub-form” that contains a group of Fields. |
Continue reading below to learn about creating and editing Fieldsets. |
Form | A group of fieldsets and fields that the user needs to complete. |
Multiple different Form Groups can be configured for different groups of users, e.g. New Employee Forms, Offboarding Survey. Continue reading below to learn about creating and editing Forms. |
Example – The New Employee Form contains the Personal Details Fieldset which contains the First Name, Last Name and Address Fields.
Creating a new Form
To create a new Form, navigate to Module Manager > Forms > Create New Form and follow the below steps:
1. Enter the name of the Form Group in the Name field. The name is what you will see when selecting the Form Group when the Forms element is included in an experience. For example, "New Employee Forms", "Offboarding Survey".
2. Enter the message you would like to appear at the top of the Forms page in the Description field. Example wording: "These forms will help us establish you on our payroll system. For help completing these forms, hover over the information icon for additional instructions". For instructions on using the editor, please refer to the Editor Tool Instructions guide.
3. Enter the message you would like to appear at the top of the "Preview" page before the user submits their responses in the Message After Submit field. Example wording: "Please review your responses. Ensure all the information you have provided is correct. If you need to make a change, click on the "Edit Form" button to make corrections. Once you click Submit, you will be unable to make any changes to your forms". For instructions on using the editor, please refer to the Editor Tool Instructions guide.
Once you have completed all fields, click the Submit button to save.
If your organisation has API enabled, you may see an additional option to configure assignment rules. For assistance with assignment rules for your specific API configuration, or to enquire about enabling API for your organisation, please contact your Account Manager or e-mail
Editing a Form
To edit a form, navigate to Module Manager > Forms > Configure Forms.
Configure Forms field definitions
Field Name |
Description |
Tips and information |
ID |
The system generated identification number given to the Form. |
This ID number is a system generated field only. |
Name | The name of the Form Group. |
Multiple Form Groups can exist. To see which Fieldsets wrap up to a Form, continue reading below. |
Alias | The system generated Alias given to the Form. |
This is a system generated field only. |
Status | Shows whether the Form is Active (can be selected) or Inactive (cannot be selected). |
To change a Form to Active or Inactive, click the Status button. If you are making a Form inactive, be sure to check that there are no users currently assigned the Form in an experience, otherwise the element will be blank. |
Last Updated/Last Updated By | The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the Form was last edited and which administrator made the edit. |
The time will be displayed in your organisation's configured timezone. |
Actions | Options to Edit, Order Fieldsets, Configure, Delete and Clone. |
We recommend making a Form inactive rather than Deleting. If a Form is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Continue reading below for more information about the Edit, Order Fieldsets, Configure and Clone options. Important Note: A padlock next to the Actions menu ( |
To edit the form, select Edit from the Actions menu next to the applicable form. This will open a screen that is identical to the Create New Form screen. For more information about the fields on this screen, please refer to the Create New Form section above.
Important – Any changes that are made to a Form will be instantly visible to any users who have the Form allocated to them in their experience.
Cloning a Form
To clone a Form, select “Clone” from the Actions menu next to the Form you would like to clone. This will create an identical version of the Form, including fieldsets and fieldset descriptions, field configuration (e.g. trigger rules) and the order of fields and fieldsets in the Form.
A Form or Fieldset that was created as a result of a clone will have “Copy” added to the start of its name.
Important Note – Cloning a Form will only clone the Form, Fieldset and Field configuration of the form. It will not clone any Notifications or Document Upload Requests that are triggered from a user’s answer to a Field. For more information about triggered Notifications and Document Upload Requests, please refer to the Notifications guide and the Document Upload Requests guide.
Creating a Fieldset
To create a Fieldset, navigate to Module Manager > Forms > Configure Forms. Select Configure from the Actions menu next to the Form that the Fieldset will be a part of.
Click the “Add Fieldset” button in the top right-hand corner (above the search field). You will then be presented with a popup box to configure your Fieldset.
After your Fieldset is created, you will need to edit it to add Fields to it. For more information on editing a Fieldset, please continue reading below.
Enter the name of the Fieldset in the Name field. This is the title of the Fieldset that the user will see while working through their forms. Examples of Fieldset names are Personal Details, Bank Details, Tax File Number Declaration.
If you would like additional information included at the top of the screen for the Fieldset, enter this in the Description field. An example of text you may add is “Complete this Bank Details form so that we can set you up on our Payroll system. Please ensure you have your BSB and Account numbers handy as you will be asked to input these”. If you would like to include a custom field parameter in the description, place the custom field parameter inside { }. For example – “This form will help to give us your details before you start with us on {start-date}”.
This field is not mandatory and can be left blank if desired.
For more information on formatting this field, please refer to the Editor Tool Instructions guide.
Once these fields have been completed, click Submit to save.
Editing and adding Fields to a Fieldset
Navigate to Module Manager > Forms > All Fieldsets. You will then be presented with a list of all Fieldsets that have been configured. You can also access this screen by selecting "Configure" in the Actions menu next to a Form to see only the Fieldsets that belong to that Form.
All Fieldsets field definitions
Field Name |
Description |
Tips and information |
ID |
The system generated identification number given to the Fieldset |
This ID number is a system generated field only. |
Name | The name of the fieldset. |
For information on renaming a fieldset, please continue reading below. |
Form | The Form that the Fieldset is attached to. |
For information on changing the Form that a Fieldset is attached to, please continue reading below. |
Status | Shows whether the Fieldset is Active (will be visible to a user) or Inactive (will be hidden from a user). |
To change a Fieldset to Active or Inactive, click the Status button. |
Last Updated/Last Updated By | The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the Fieldset was last edited and which administrator made the edit. |
The time will be displayed in your organisation's configured timezone. |
Actions | Options to Edit, Order Questions and Delete. |
We recommend making a Fieldset inactive rather than deleting. If a Fieldset is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Continue reading below for more information about the Edit and Order Questions options. Important Note: A padlock next to the Actions menu ( |
To edit a Fieldset, select Edit from the Actions menu next to the applicable Fieldset. If you have several Fieldsets with similar names configured, use the Form column to determine which Fieldset needs to be edited.
When the Edit option is selected, you will be presented with two submenus – “1. Fieldset” and “2. Fields”.
The “1. Fieldset” submenu is used to edit the title and/or description of the fieldset. For more information about these fields, please refer to the Creating a Fieldset section above. An additional field called “Select Form” will also be available. If you would like to change the Form that the Fieldset is attached to, select the new Form from this list. If you make changes in this Submenu, it’s important to make sure you click “Submit” before navigating away from the menu item.
The “2. Fields” submenu is used to add and remove Fields to and from the Fieldset. A Field must be created before it can be added to a Fieldset. For more information about creating Fields, please refer to the Creating a Field section below.
On this screen, you will be presented with a list of Fields that are attached to the Fieldset. Note – The Fields in this table are not necessarily in the order that the user will complete them. To view the configured order of the Fields, please refer to the Re-Ordering Fields in a Fieldset section below.
Important – Any changes that are made to a Fieldset will be instantly visible to any users who have the Fieldset allocated to them (via the attached Form) in their experience.
2. Fields Definitions
Field Name |
Description |
Tips and information |
ID |
The system generated identification number given to the Fieldset |
This ID number is a system generated field only. |
Field Label Name | The question configured name of the Field. |
This is the question the user will see. For information on editing the Field Name, please refer to the Editing a Field section below. |
Alias | The parameter that has been configured to reference the user’s response throughout different parts of Simon. |
To learn more about referencing Field responses, please refer to the Creating a Field section below. |
Type | The Label Type that has been configured. |
For more information about Field types, please refer to the Available Label Types section below. |
Status | Shows whether the field is Active in the Fieldset (will be visible to a user) or Inactive (will be hidden from a user). |
To change a field to Active or Inactive, click the Status button. |
Actions | Options to Edit or Remove. |
Editing a field in this screen will not edit the field itself but will edit the behaviour of the field in the selected Fieldset. Continue reading below for more information on this. Note: Fields can't be removed from a Fieldset after being delivered to a user via Forms. If you need to remove a field from a Fieldset, you'll need to make the field inactive on the Fieldset. Continue reading below for more information. |
Adding a Field to a Fieldset
To add a field to a fieldset, click the “Add Field” button above the “Select Page Size” field. You will then be presented with a popup which will allow you to configure the behaviour of the field.
1. Click the “Select Field” dropdown to see a list of fields that have been created. Select the field you would like to add to the Fieldset from the list. Important note - a field must be created before it can be added to a Fieldset. For more information about creating fields, please continue reading below.
2. Show/Hide Rules control whether a field is always visible to a user in the fieldset, or whether a set of rules should be satisfied for the field to appear. If you do not require rules to govern whether a Field should be displayed, you can skip this section. Note - Show/Hide rules will only be available if a List Type field is included in the Fieldset. For more information about Field Types, please continue reading below. Click the “New” button to add a new rule. Select the first List Field that should be included in the rule from the “Select Question” dropdown in the Select Trigger column. Then select the value that the user will need to choose to trigger the field from the dropdown in the Values column. Multiple rules can be added to a trigger. These additional rules can be related to the same List Field as already selected, or a new one. To add another list field, click the “New” button. To add another condition using the same List field, click the orange Copy button (). To remove a condition, click the red bin icon (
). When more than one condition has been selected, options for AND and OR will appear in the Behaviour column. Any conditions that are set to AND behaviour must all be satisfied for the field to appear. Any conditions that are set to OR behaviour only need one satisfied for the field to appear. There is no limit to the number of rules and conditions that can be configured for a Field. Although it may appear to be automatically selected, ensure you click the "OR" button when configuring OR rules to ensure your changes are saved.
3. Select if answering the field is Required. If “Yes” is selected, the user must complete the field before they can move forward with their Forms. If “No” is selected, the user can choose not to answer the question.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.
5. The Field will now be added to the Fieldset.
Note – The order that fields appear in this list is not necessarily the order they will appear in for the user. To see the order of Fields, please refer to the “Re-Ordering Fields in a Fieldset” section below.
Field Configuration - Example 1 - No Trigger Rules
In the below example, the field “What is your first name?” does not require triggers and is required to be answered by all users:
Field Configuration - Example 2 - One Trigger Rule
In the below example, the field “What is your postal address?” should trigger only when the user answers “Yes” to the question “Is your postal address different to your residential address?”.
Field Configuration - Example 3 - AND Trigger Rules
In the below example, the field “What is your licence number?” should trigger only when the user answers “Yes” to the question “Do you hold a driver’s licence?” AND “Yes” to the question “Is your driver’s licence valid?”:
Field Configuration - Example 4 - OR Trigger Rules
In the below example, the field “Please provide the approximate weight of your pet” should trigger only when the user answers “Cat” OR “Dog” to the question “What type of pet do you have?”:
Editing a Field in a Fieldset
To edit a field’s behaviour in a Fieldset, select “Edit” from the Actions menu. You will then be presented with a popup identical to the popup that appears when a new Fieldset is added. For information about this popup, please refer to the “Adding a Field to a Fieldset” section above.
Removing a Field from a Fieldset
Fields can only be removed from a Fieldset if the form the Fieldset belongs to has never been delivered to a user. If you need to hide a field from a Fieldset after it's been delivered to a user, you'll need to change the status of the field to Inactive on the fieldset. To remove a field from a fieldset, select “Remove” from the Actions menu next to the relevant field. If you would like the field to remain on the fieldset, but hide it from the view of users, change the status to Inactive by clicking the button in the Status column. Follow this same process to make a field active again. Note 1 – Making a field inactive in a Fieldset will only make it inactive in the Fieldset that is currently being edited. Note 2 – Any changes made to a fieldset will be instantly visible to any users who have been assigned but not yet completed the relevant Form.
Re-Ordering Fieldsets in a Form
The user will need to complete the fieldsets in the order that they are configured in the Form. To check which fieldsets have been included in a Form and/or to re-order the Fieldsets, navigate to Module Manager > Forms > Configure Forms. Select Order Fieldsets from the Actions menu next to the relevant form.
You will then be presented with a list of the Fieldsets that are attached to that Form. To re-order the Fieldsets, simply drag and drop the Fieldsets into the desired order. The Fieldset at the top is the first one the user will be required to complete, then the second, and so on.
Important – Any change that is made to the order of the Fieldsets will be instantly visible to any users who have the Form allocated to them in their experience.
Creating a Field
To create a new Field, navigate to Module Manager > Forms > All Fields. Click the “Add New Field” button in the top right-hand corner of the page and follow the below steps:
1. Enter the question you would like the user to answer in the Name field. For example, "What is your first name". The user will see this question exactly as it is typed in this field.
2. Enter the alias that should be used when referencing the user’s answer to this field throughout Simon. Note – An alias must be unique and cannot be the same as another alias or parameter already configured in Simon. For more information about referencing parameters throughout Simon, please refer to the Using Parameters to Customise Your Message guide.
3. If you would like an information bubble which shows additional information to the user when it is hovered over, enter this text in the Description field. For example, the help text for the above Name field may be "This must match your legal documentation".
4. If you would like text to permanently appear next to the question, enter this in the After Input field. For example, if you are using the Autopopulate function, you may wish for text to appear such as "If this is incorrect, please contact us".
5. Select the Label Type. The Label Type is the format you stipulate the answer must be given in. Available Label Types are explained below.
6. Select the Validation Rule that should apply to the Field. If the validation rule is not satisfied, the response will not be accepted. Continue reading below for a list of available Validation Rules.
7. Click Submit to save.
Important note – Fields can be shared between multiple Fieldsets. For example – if you require the question “What is your first name?” to be included in multiple Fieldsets, you only need to create one version of the Field.
Available Label Types
Label Type |
Description |
Tips and information |
Text | The response is typed in free text. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Add Placeholder” will appear. If you want placeholder text to appear in the field, input it here. For example – First Name(s). |
Date Picker | The response is selected as a date from a calendar. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Add Placeholder” will appear. If you want placeholder text to appear in the field, input it here. For example – DD/MM/YYYY. |
List | The response is selected from a defined list of answers. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Add List Items” will appear. Please continue reading below for instructions on how to configure this. |
Read-Only | A fixed response is given on behalf of all users. The user cannot change this field. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Read-Only Value” will appear. Please continue reading below for instructions on how to configure this. |
Checkbox | The user can select multiple responses by ticking a box. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Checkbox Label” will appear. Please continue reading below for instructions on how to configure this. |
Textarea | The user is given a text box in which they can provide a detailed response. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Add Placeholder” will appear. If you want placeholder text to appear in the field, input it here. For example – Postal Address. |
Autopopulate | The response is autopopulated using information input in a custom field on the user's profile. The user can overwrite this information. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Parameter Value” will appear. You must update the custom field to be referenced (including the { }) to this section. For example – If you want the user’s First Name to be autopopulated, you would input {fname} into the Parameter Value section. Please continue reading below for additional considerations when using Autopopulate Label Types. |
Locked Autopopulate | The response is autopopulated using information input in a custom field on the user's profile. The user cannot overwrite this information. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Parameter Value” will appear. You must update the custom field to be referenced (including the { }) to this section. For example – If you want the user’s First Name to be autopopulated, you would input {fname} into the Parameter Value section. Please continue reading below for additional considerations when using Locked Autopopulate Label Types. |
Merged Alias | The response is autopopulated using information input in a previous form field or custom field on the user's profile. The user cannot overwrite this information. |
When this Label Type is selected, an additional field called “Add Placeholder” will appear. You must update the alias of the field to be referenced (including the { }) to this section, as well as any delimiters you require. For example – If you want the answers the user entered to the questions "What is your first name?" and "What is your last name?" to be entered with a \ separating the two, you would enter {alias of "What is your first name?" field} \ {alias of "What is your last name?" field}. The employee can not see a Merged Alias field as part of their forms. A Merged Alias field will show in the Forms PDF and in an export report (when configured) only. These types of fields are normally best used when two fields need to be exported together (for example, to import data into a third party system). |
Important considerations when using Autopopulate and Locked Autopopulate Label Types
1. If a user overwrites information that was pulled in from a custom field, this will be updated in their Forms PDF and any relevant Export Reports but will not be updated in their custom field information on their user profile. Because of this, we recommend using the Locked Autopopulate Label Type for fields such as first name, last name, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers, otherwise there is a risk that the information in the form will not match the user’s profile.
2. We recommend adding text next to the field (using the After Input function – please see above) or in the information icon (using the Description function – please see above) for important Locked Autopopulate Label Types such as names and addresses advising the user to contact you if the information is different to what has been autopopulated. This will ensure that you can update their profile if any of the information is different or incorrect.
3. List custom fields must be configured as Locked Autopopulate Label Types only – the user should not be able to change the inputs for these fields.
4. If you have allocated a Form element to a user that uses Autopopulate or Locked Autopopulate Label Types, but have not filled in the custom fields that the fields are referencing, you will not be able to continue with delivering the experience until you have either selected a different Form or completed the relevant custom fields on their profile. For more information about delivering an experience, please refer to the Deliver An Experience guide.
5. The custom field links are dynamic. If you have used an Autopopulate or Locked Autopopulate Label Type and then change the information that is contained in the linked custom field, the information will update on the user’s forms.
Configuring a List Label Type
When a List Label type is selected, an additional section named “Add List Items” will appear to enable you to configure the options available in the list. To configure this section:
1. Type the label that should appear on the list field before any selections have been made by the user in the Default Label section. By default, this is set to “Please select”.
2. Click the “New” button to add your first list option.
3. Enter the option that the user should see in the list (and the response that would be pulled through to the Forms PDF if the user selects it) in the List Label column.
4. Enter the value that should export in an Export Report (normally required by third party systems) in the List Value column.
5. If you would like text to appear to the user based on their selection, add this text in the List After Input column. If you do not require text to appear based on this option, you can leave the List After Input column blank.
6. To add another option, click the “New” button again.
7. To remove an option, click the red bin icon ( ).
8. To copy an option, click the orange copy button ( ). Note – If you use the copy function, be sure to change the List Value for the copied option so that it is not a duplicate.
9. To re-order the options, drag the options into the desired order using the three dots icon ().
Example configuration:
In the below configuration, the label the user will see before selecting an option is “Select your state”. The options available to the user are Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. If the user selects Queensland, the Forms PDF will display “Queensland”, an export report would display “QLD” and the user would be presented with text of “You selected Queensland”. If the user selects New South Wales, the Forms PDF will display “New South Wales”, an export report would display “NSW” and the user would not be presented with any additional text.
Configuring a Read-Only Label Type
When a Read-Only Label type is selected, an additional section named “Read-Only Value” will appear to enable you to configure the label. To configure this section:
1. Click the “New” button
2. Enter the text that should be displayed to the user in the Read-Only Label column
3. Enter the value that should export in an Export Report (normally required by third party systems) in the Read-Only Value column.
Note – Read-Only labels can only display one value. You will not be able to add multiple values for a Read-Only Label type.
Example configuration:
In the below configuration, the text that will be displayed to the user and in the Forms PDF is “SIMON – EXPERIENCES MADE SIMPLE” and an export report would display “simonexp”.
Configuring a Checkbox Label Type
When a Checkbox Label type is selected, an additional section named “Add Checkbox Items” will appear to enable you to configure the options available in the list. To configure this section:
1. Enter the first option that a user should see (and the response that would be pulled through to the Forms PDF if the user selects it) in the Checkbox Label column.
2. Enter the value that should export in an Export Report (normally required by third party systems) in the Checkbox Value column.
3. To add another option, click the “New” button again.
4. To remove an option, click the red bin icon ( ).
5. To copy an option, click the orange copy button ( ). Note – If you use the copy function, be sure to change the List Value for the copied option so that it is not a duplicate.
6. To re-order the options, drag the options into the desired order using the three dots icon ().
Example configuration:
In the below configuration, the options available to the user are Red, Yellow, Pink and Green. If the user ticks the “Red” box, the Forms PDF will display “Red” and an export report would display “rd”. If the user ticks the “Yellow” box, the Forms PDF will display “Yellow” and an export report would display “ylw” (and so on).
Available Validation Rules
Validation Rule |
Description |
Tips and information |
The response must follow email address protocols (i.e. |
This validation can be used for responses where an email address is required. |
Number | The response can have a maximum amount of X digits. |
Enter the maximum amount of digits in the “Enter Values” field. For example, if “5” is entered, the maximum number that can be entered is 99999. This validation can be used for responses where there is an expected amount of digits, for example a BSB number (always 6 digits). |
Password | The response will be entered as a password and will be masked. |
This validation can be used for responses where the response needs to be masked. |
Number Max | The maximum number that can be entered as the response. |
Enter the maximum value in the “Enter Values” field. For example, if “5” is entered, any number higher than 5 would not be accepted. This validation can be used for responses where there is a limit to the number, for example “How many days are you available to work in a week?” could have a validation of “7”, because you can’t work more than 7 days in a week. |
Number Min | The minimum number that can be entered as the response. |
Enter the minimum value in the “Enter Values” field. For example, if “5” is entered, any number lower than 5 would not be accepted. This validation can be used for responses where there is a limit to the number, for example “How many days are you available to work in a week?” could have a validation of “2” if you require a minimum of 2 working days per week. |
Number Between | The response must be a number between X and X. |
Enter the minimum value in the “Value 1” field and the maximum value in the “Value 2” field. For example, if “2” and “5” are entered, only the numbers 3 and 4 would be accepted. This validation can be used for responses where there is an expectation of a range of numbers, for example “How many days are you available to work in a week?” could have a validation of between 2 and 5 if you have a requirement for a minimum of 2 days availability and a maximum of 5. |
Percentage | A % sign will automatically be added to the end of the response and the response must be a number. |
This validation can be used for responses where a % is required, for example “What % of your pay would you like disbursed to your first account?”. |
Currency | A $ sign will automatically be added to the start of the response and the response must be a number. |
This validation can be used for responses where a dollar value is required, for example “What dollar amount would you like disbursed to your first account?” |
Decimal | The response will automatically include decimals and the response must be a number. |
This validation can be used for responses where a decimal point may be required, for example “What dollar amount would you like disbursed to your first account?” |
Specified Characters Length | The number of characters that must be entered in the user’s response. |
Enter the number of required characters in the “Enter Values” field. For example, if “5” is entered, the user must enter no more and no less than 5 characters. This validation can be used for responses that will always require the same number of characters, for example “What is your BSB number?” could have a validation of “6” to ensure all users are entering 6 digits. |
Specified Characters Length Between | The number of characters that must be entered in the user’s response by range. |
In the “Enter Values” field, enter the minimum number of characters in the “Value 1” field and the maximum number of characters in the “Value 2” field. For example, if “5” is entered in Value 1 and “10” is entered in Value 2, the user’s answer must be no less than 5 characters and no more than 10 characters. This validation can be used for responses where the number of characters may vary, but will have a minimum and maximum total, for example “What is your account number?” could have a validation of between 6 and 11 characters. |
Min Date | The response date must not be any earlier than the selection. |
Select the Minimum Date from the calendar in the Enter Values field. The user will not be able to select a date earlier than this one. Please note – the minimum date is not dynamic and will remain at the same date unless changed. This validation can be used for responses where a minimum date is required, for example “Please indicate the date of your last Police Check after the year 2000”. |
Between | The response date must be between the selected dates. |
Select the Minimum Date from the calendar in the Value 1 field and select the Maximum Date from the calendar in the Value 2 field. Please note – the Between dates are not dynamic and will remain the same unless changed. This validation can be used for responses where a response is required to be within a date range, for example “If your last Police Check was between 2000 and 2020, please select the date it was completed”. |
Today | The response date is locked to the current day that the user is completing the Form. |
This validation can be used for responses where the date the user is completing the form needs to be recorded, for example “Declaration date”. |
Max Date | The response must not be any later than the selection. |
Select the Maximum Date from the calendar in the Enter Values field. The user will not be able to select a date after this one. Please note – the Maximum Date is not dynamic and will remain the same unless changed. This validation can be used for responses where a maximum date is required, for example “When does your licence expire?” |
Min Date Today – X |
The response date must not be any earlier than X days before the day the user is completing their Forms. |
Enter the minimum number of days before the day the user is completing their forms in the Value 1 field. For example, if “7” is entered, the minimum date the user can select is one week before the day they are completing their forms. This validation can be used for responses where a dynamic minimum date is required, for example “Please confirm your last working day in the last 7 days”. |
Max Date Today + X | The response date must not be any later than X days after the day the user is completing their Forms. |
Enter the maximum number of days after the day the user is completing their forms in the Value 1 field. For example, if “0” is entered, the user will not be able to select a date after the date they are completing their forms. This validation can be used for responses where a dynamic maximum date is required, for example “What is your date of birth?” |
Between Today - X and Today + X | The response date must be between the current day the user is completing their forms – X days, and the current day the user is completing their forms + X days. |
Enter the minimum number of days before the day the user is completing their forms in the Value 1 field. Enter the maximum number of days after the day the user is completing their forms in the Value 2 field. For example, “7” and “7” would mean the user would need to select a date between a week before they are completing their forms, and a week after they are completing their forms. This validation can be used for responses where a dynamic range of dates is required, for example “Please enter your next pay date. If the date is more than one week in the future, please select your last pay date.” |
Max Char | The response must not exceed X number of characters. |
Enter the maximum number of allowable characters in the Value 1 field. The response can be a mixture of numbers and text. This validation can be used where there is a maximum number of characters expected, for example “What is your Membership Number”? |
Editing a Field
Navigate to Module Manager > Forms > All Fields. You will then be presented with a list of all Fields that have been created. If you have a long list of fields, we recommend using the Search function above the table to filter the list.
To edit a field, select Edit from the Actions menu next to the Field you wish to edit. You will then be presented with a screen identical to the Create New Field screen. For more information about these fields, please refer to the Create A Field section above.
Once all changes have been made, click the Submit button to save.
If there is a padlock icon next to the Actions menu ( ), this means the Field is locked and cannot be edited. If you need to edit a locked Field, please contact Simon Help.
Important - Any changes that are made to a Field will be instantly visible to any users who have the Field allocated to them (via the attached Form) in their experience. If the Field is shared across multiple Fieldsets, the change will take effect across all of those Fieldsets.
All Fields field definitions
Field Name |
Description |
Tips and information |
ID | The system generated identification number given to the Field. |
This ID number is a system generated field only. |
Label Name | The configured name of the Field. |
This is the question the user will see. For information on editing the Field Name, please refer to the "Editing a Field" section above. |
Alias | The alias that has been configured for the field. |
For more information about referencing alias’ throughout Simon, please refer to the Using Parameters to Customise Your Message guide. |
Type | The Label Type configured for the field. |
For more information about available Label Types, please refer to the “Creating A Field” section above. |
Autopopulate Parameter | If the Label Type is autopopulate or locked autopopulate, the custom field that the autopopulate is referencing will be shown in this column. |
If the field is not an Autopopulate or Locked Autopopulate Label Type, this column will be blank. For more information about autopopulate and locked autopopulate fields, please refer to the “Creating A Field” section above. |
Count | The number of fieldsets the field is attached to. |
Clicking the number in this column will present a list of fieldsets that the field is attached to. This can be used to ascertain which fieldsets will be affected by any changes made to the field. For more information about attaching a field to multiple fieldsets, please refer to the Editing a Fieldset section above. |
Last Updated/Last Updated By | The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the Field was last edited and which administrator made the edit. |
The time will be displayed in your organisation's configured timezone. |
Actions | Options to Edit or Delete. |
We recommend making a Field inactive rather than deleting. If a Field is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Continue reading below for more information about the Edit option. |
Re-Ordering Fields in a Fieldset
The user will need to complete the Fields in the order that they are configured in the Fieldset. To check which Fields have been included in a Fieldset and/or to re-order the Fields, navigate to Module Manager > Forms > All Fieldsets. Select Order Questions from the Actions menu next to the relevant Fieldset.
You will then be presented with a list of the Fields that are attached to that Fieldset. To re-order the Fields, simply drag and drop the Fields into the desired order. The Field at the top is the first one the user will be required to complete, then the second, and so on.
Important – Any change that is made to the order of the Fields will be instantly visible to any users who have the Form allocated to them in their experience.