Manage Checklist Groups
Use this option to create and manage the Checklist Groups that will be allocated to users via the Checklists element in an experience. Checklist Groups are groups of Checklist Items. For more information about Checklist Items, please refer to the Manage Checklist Items guide and the Add a New Checklist Item guide.
To access this module, log in to the Control Panel from the Simon home page located at https://<yoursubdomain> Navigate to the Module Manager menu and click to expand. Finally, select “Manage Checklist Groups”.
Create Checklist Group
This screen will allow you to create a new Checklist Group that can be allocated to users via the Checklists element in an experience.
To create a new Checklist Group, follow the below steps:
1. Create a name for the Checklist Group in the Checklist Group Name field. The name is what you will see when selecting the Checklist Group when delivering an experience that includes the Checklist element. For example, "New Employee Items", "Offboarding Items".
2. Create an alias for the Checklist Group in the Alias field. This is a system reference field and need only be a short alias (e.g."newemp"). Note: The alias must be unique.
3. Click the blue “+ Add” button () and expand the dropdown box in the popup window that appears. Select all of the Checklist Items that should be included in the group (you can select multiple items at once). Then, click the “Add Checklist Items” box. To re-order the checklist items, click and hold the arrow icon (
) next to the relevant item and drag the item to where you’d like it to appear in the order. To remove an item from the group, click the bin icon (
) in the Actions column. All items that are displayed in the “Checklist items list” table will be shown to any users who are allocated this Checklist Group in their experience in the order shown in the table, so it’s important to make sure they are correct. You can select as many Checklist Items as are required. Note: A checklist item can be included in multiple Checklist Groups. For more information about creating Checklist Items, please refer to the Add A New Checklist Item guide.
4. If you would like to customise the wording of the "Accept" button when the user is completing their Checklists element, enter the word you'd like to display on the button in the "Accept Button Text" field (e.g. Complete). Note: By default, the wording of this button will be "Accept". If you're happy with this, you can leave this field blank. If you do customise the button, we recommend entering one word only.
5. Click submit. The Checklist Group will now be ready to use.
If your organisation has API enabled, you may see an additional option to configure assignment rules. For assistance with assignment rules for your specific API configuration, or to enquire about enabling API for your organisation, please contact your Account Manager or e-mail
All Checklist Groups
This screen will allow you to edit an existing Checklist Group.
Manage Checklist Groups field definitions
Field Name |
Description |
Tips and information |
ID |
The system generated identification number given to the Checklist Group. |
This ID number is separate to the Checklist Items ID number. |
Checklist Group |
The name of the Checklist Group. |
This is what you will see when selecting the Checklist Group when delivering an experience that includes the Checklist element. |
Status | Shows whether the Checklist Group is Active (can be selected) or Inactive (cannot be selected). |
To change a Checklist Group to Active or Inactive, click the Status button. If you are making a Checklist Group inactive, be sure to check that there are no users currently assigned the Checklist Group in an experience, otherwise the Checklist element will be blank. |
Last Updated/Last Updated By | The Last Updated and Last Updated By columns show the date and time the Checklist Group was last edited and which administrator made the edit. |
The time will be displayed in your organisation's configured timezone. |
Actions |
Options to Edit or Delete a Checklist Group. |
We recommend making a Checklist Group inactive rather than Deleting. If a Checklist Group is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Deleting a Checklist Group will only delete the group – it will not delete any Checklist Items that are attached to it. For more information about editing a Checklist Group, please continue reading below. |
To edit a Checklist Group, select the Edit option from the Actions menu next to the Checklist Group you are wanting to edit.
You will then be presented with a screen identical to the Create Checklist Group screen. For more information about the fields on this screen, including instructions on adding and removing Checklist Items from a Checklist Group, please refer to the Create Checklist Group section above.
Important – Any changes you make to a Checklist Group will be instantly visible to any users who have been allocated the Checklist Group in an experience, including users who have already completed their Checklist element.